
our apartments in Pokhara

                                             the place we stay in is awesome! check this out!
                                                                       this is a bedroom
                                                                     and a dining room

                                                              here comes the bathroom

                                                               and balcony of course


Lil Dragon made it back

Sasha and Elena arrived back home in Nepal yesterday. All are healthy and happy. The lil dragon has gotten so big!

happy to see daddy again

I woke up on the 3rd leg of my journey - flight KTM to Pokhara - and whom I see?! :-D PAPA!


Nadya's photo shoot



family time, part II

                                                              great grandpa&grandma
                                              Dragon Trio -  they are both dragons too  :-D
                                             aunt-cousin Olga and second cousin Anastasia